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The Wild West


I'm literally working backwards to cover some of the latest tabletop gaming activities I've been involved in. There has been a lot going on and it's not always easy to keep up with everything... but I'm sure you all know that.

In any event, about three weeks ago at the Hamilton Road Games Group, Bear, Glenn, Rich, and I tried out a set of Wild West Gunfight rules, Ruthless: The Fastest Rules in the West. The rules are short and appear simple; they're also free! We had a rather good time and some later study showed us a few things we missed. 

I'd recommend them to people who want a quick, playable "six-gun" skirmish game. The photos that follow might be out of order. The first game saw Bear exchanging fire with Glenn and in the second, Glenn and Rich shot it out. Everybody named their characters and of course, I don't remember any of those great names!

Glenn's posse face off against Rich's last gunfighter
who took refuge in an 'arroyo'(a dry creek bed)
The yellow chip shows that the character has turned
"lilly-livered" aka morale failure.
By the way, try to say "lilly livered" four times quickly.

Bear's crowd exchange fire with Glenn's gang.

Glenn's figures using a small house as cover as they enter the table.
Is this "The Little House On The Prairie."

Glenn's boys

Bear's crowd using a small hill as cover.
d10's are the norm with these rules.

Meanwhile back in the arroyo.
Somehow I think this guy's name was something like "3 Fingers Will."

A Buffalo Bill type in Bear's group.

Rich's crowd including a Bandito with an iguana at the far end.

Bear called this guy "The Man With No Name" or "Josie Wales"

"Hey, Bart! I can see my house from here!"

Glenn sends the gunmen forward.

I've got to look the rules over again to get the fine pointes lined up. Still they made for an enjoyable and believable game. I'll be playing them again.

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